Baten Kaitos Wiki
A Great Fortune
A Great Fortune
Eternal Wings Magnus
Category Battle
Contains Fortune
Gathering # 055
Element Physical
Found None
Sale Price 1000 G
Ages From A Good Fortune (7 seconds)
Ages Into A Bad Fortune (36 seconds)
Usable By All
In SP Combos 88
Spirit #
(UL) 1-8 (UR)
(LL) (LR)
ATK Heal HP 900
Effect All Resistance +30
Combo # 1
Self Target Yes
DEF None
Effect None
Combo # None

A Great Fortune is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean.


Love Life: Shimmering! Are you ready for the time of your life?

Lucky Item: Dried Persimmons

Lucky Color: Blue

Eternal Wings Magnus
#0654 A Good Fortune #0655 A Great Fortune #0656 A Bad Fortune
A Good Fortune
A Great Fortune
A Bad Fortune