Baten Kaitos Wiki
Baten Kaitos Wiki
Apocalypse Sword
Apocalypse Sword
Eternal Wings Magnus
Category Battle
Contains Sword
Gathering # 0023
Element Physical
Found Drop (Mysterious Shellfish)
Chest (Celestial Alps)
Sale Price 223 G
Ages From None
Ages Into None
Usable By Kalas
In SP Combos 54
Spirit #
1-8 (UL) Odds (UR)
Evens (LL) 1-8 (LR)
ATK 132
Effect None
Combo # 1
Self Target No
DEF 74
Effect None
Combo # 2

Apocalypse Sword is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean and Baten Kaitos Origins.

Eternal Wings[]


The legendary Apocalypse Sword, symbol of an all-ending war. It is said to appear in this world when times are chaotic, and to bring victory to its wielder.

Eternal Wings Magnus
#0022 Air Slash #0023 Apocalypse Sword #0024 Efreeti Saber
Air Slash
Apocalypse Sword
Efreeti Saber

Apocalypse Sword
Apocalypse Sword (Origins)
Origins Magnus
Category Battle
Contains Sword
Gathering # 051
Element Physical - Physical
Found Drop (Black Dragon and Hercules Dragon)
Trade (Garm)
Sale Price ? G
Ages From None
Ages Into None
Usable By
Usable SagiUsable not GuilloUsable not Milly
Spirit # 0
MP Cost None
In Upgrades Fiery Apocalypse
Attack 93
Crush 46
Durability 10
Relays Yes
Effect None



Rumored to lie at the end of the world. Its overwhelming presence sends foes into a panic, shatters their psyche, then silently sends them to their graves.

Origins Magnus
#050 Arondite #051 Apocalypse Sword #052 Flame Sword
Arondite (Origins)
Apocalypse Sword (Origins)
Flame Sword (Origins)