Baten Kaitos Wiki
Curry with Rice
Curry with Rice
Eternal Wings Magnus
Category Battle
Contains Food
Gathering # 0831
Element Physical
Found SP Combo (121)
Sale Price 9 G
Ages From None
Ages Into Rotten Food (36 hours)
Usable By All
In SP Combo None
Spirit #
(UL) 1-8 (UR)
(LL) (LR)
ATK Heal HP 990
Effect None
Combo # 1
Self Target Yes
DEF None
Effect None
Combo # None

Curry with Rice is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean.


Unique flavor abounds in this great curry dish packed with exotic herbs and spices. It's spicy, but tasty. Easy to cook and very satisfying. Popular with everyone.

Eternal Wings Magnus
#0830 Western Breakfast #0831 Curry with Rice #0832 Deluxe Curry with Rice
Western Breakfast
Curry with Rice
Deluxe Curry with Rice