Baten Kaitos Wiki
Fate Idol
Fate Idol (Origins)
Origins Magnus
Category Battle
Contains Armamentaria / Statue
Gathering # 424
Element Physical - Physical
Found Chest (Cujam and Rodolfo's Estate)
Reward (Field Guide and Real electioneers cheat!)
Sale Price 10 G
Ages From None
Ages Into None
Usable By
Usable SagiUsable GuilloUsable Milly
Spirit # Uses turn
MP Cost All MP I
In Upgrade None
Effect Revives party from incapacitation

Fate Idol is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos Origins.


The light which shines from this statue of the god of life and death enters the bodies of the fallen, urging them back into battle. Revives from incapacitation (party).

Origins Magnus
#423 Book of Mana #424 Fate Idol #425 Fate's Kiss
Book of Mana (Origins)
Fate Idol (Origins)
Fate's Kiss (Origins)