Baten Kaitos Wiki
Baten Kaitos Wiki

The Field Guide is a a feature in Baten Kaitos Origins that displays information about enemies fought. It is also a major sidequest that tasks the player with filling it out. The Field Guide is accessible through the Camp screen once the sidequest is begun.


Sagi and company meet in a man in Sheratan who tasked them with this quest. As they fill it out, the man will reward them with Magnus.


This quest has a few requirements players must be aware of:

  • The quest can only be completed in a New Game + (which Field Guide information is retained in), as otherwise the final two bosses will not be logged.
  • The optional battles against the Machina Vanguard members must be fought (whether its in the previous play through or the current).
  • Information about all of an enemies special skills are not logged automatically; an enemy must use that skill for the Guide to store it.

