Baten Kaitos Wiki
Baten Kaitos Wiki
Fiery Apocalypse
Fiery Apocalypse (Origins)
Origins Magnus
Category Battle
Contains Sword
Gathering # 091
Element Fire - Fire
Found Upgrade (Apocalypse Sword + Fireglow Stone + 1500 Gold)
Sale Price ? G
Ages From None
Ages Into None
Usable By
Usable SagiUsable not GuilloUsable not Milly
Spirit # 0
MP Cost None
In Upgrade None
Attack 93
Crush 46
Durability 10
Relays Yes
Effect Lowers Enemies' Fire Offense

Fiery Apocalypse is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos Origins.


The apocalyptic blade steeped in the very fires of hell. Given to mankind in the end times to mercilessly purge the wicked by transforming the world into a sea of flames.

Origins Magnus
#089 Efreeti Blade #090 Fiery Apocalypse #091 Sol Sword
Efreeti Blade (Origins)
Fiery Apocalypse (Origins)
Sol Sword (Origins)