Baten Kaitos Wiki
Ice-Brewed Tea
Ice-Brewed Tea (Origins)
Origins Magnus
Category Battle
Contains Drink
Gathering # 407
Element Physical - Physical
Found Buy (Pherkad: 1 coupon)
Sale Price 10 G
Ages From None
Ages Into None
Usable By
Usable SagiUsable GuilloUsable Milly
Spirit # Uses turn
MP Cost None
In Upgrade None
Effect Boosts ice offense 100%
Cures Freezing

Ice-Brewed Tea is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos Origins.


Miraculous tea that infuses the drinker's body with energy. While its taste stays on the tongue, it makes a body cool. Cures freezing, temporarily boosts ice offense.

Origins Magnus
#406 Fire-Brewed Tea #407 Ice-Brewed Tea #408 Lightning-Brewed Tea
Fire-Brewed Tea (Origins)
Ice-Brewed Tea (Origins)
Lightning-Brewed Tea (Origins)