Baten Kaitos Wiki
Baten Kaitos Wiki
Murderous Joker
Murderous Joker (Origins)
Origins Magnus
Category Battle
Contains Sword
Gathering # 073
Element Darkness - Darkness
Found Drop (Shadow Claws)
Trade (Farina)
Sale Price ? G
Ages From None
Ages Into None
Usable By
Usable SagiUsable not GuilloUsable not Milly
Spirit # 0
MP Cost None
In Upgrades Double Joker
Attack 99
Crush 0
Durability 5
Relays Yes
Effect Cannot be unequipped
Causes Death after use

Murderous Joker is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos Origins.


An evil blade which shares its fate with the bearer. With each foe it topples, its cursed edge grows closer to the wielder's heart. Causes death when durability reaches 0.

Origins Magnus
#072 Ascalon #073 Murderous Joker #074 Ravensbrood
Ascalon (Origins)
Murderous Joker (Origins)
Ravensbrood (Origins)