Baten Kaitos Wiki
Baten Kaitos Wiki
Phoenix Helm
Phoenix Helm
Eternal Wings Magnus
Category Battle
Contains Helmet
Gathering # 0150
Element Fire
Found Drop (Beberum)
Chest (Kaffaljidhma and Imperial Fortress)
Sale Price 179 G
Ages From None
Ages Into None
Usable By Kalas, Gibari, Lyude
In SP Combo None
Spirit #
1-8 (UL) 1-8 (UR)
1-8 (LL) (LR)
ATK None
Effect None
Combo # None
Self Target No
DEF 95 (Fire 57)
Effect None
Combo # 1

Phoenix Helm is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean and Baten Kaitos Origins.

Eternal Wings[]


This helm has a magnificent engraving of a Phoenix on its side. In addition to providing ample protection, its elegant form is truly a sight to see.

Eternal Wings Magnus
#0149 Crystal Helm #0150 Phoenix Helm #0151 Full Helm
Crystal Helm
Phoenix Helm
Full Helm

Phoenix Helm
Phoenix Helm (Origins)
Origins Magnus
Category Battle
Contains Helmet
Gathering # 297
Element Fire - Fire
Found Chest (Tarazed's Core)
Buy (Vega: 1 Coupon)
Trade (Garm)
Sale Price ? G
Ages From None
Ages Into None
Usable By
Usable SagiUsable GuilloUsable Milly
Spirit # 0
MP Cost None
In Upgrades Phoenix Head
Physical 55 Fire 110 Ice 55
Lightning 55 Light 55 Darkness 55
Durability 8
Relays Yes
Effect None



The wearer's thoughts are filled with images of a warrior who wore this helmet as he reversed the tides of many a losing battle like its namesake the immortal bird.

Origins Magnus
#296 Hell-Purged Casque #297 Phoenix Helm #298 Crystal Helm
Hell-Purged Casque (Origins)
Phoenix Helm (Origins)
Crystal Helm (Origins)