Baten Kaitos Wiki
Prominence Helm
Prominence Helm
Eternal Wings Magnus
Category Battle
Contains Helmet
Gathering # 0158
Element Fire
Found Drop (Vorleg)
Sale Price 624 G
Ages From None
Ages Into None
Usable By Kalas, Gibari, Lyude
In SP Combo None
Spirit #
1-9 (UL) Evens (UR)
Odds (LL) 7-9 (LR)
ATK None
Effect None
Combo # None
Self Target No
DEF 215 (Fire 129)
Effect Freezing Resistance +50
Combo # 1

Prominence Helm is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean.


Said to have been created by the gods when half of the world was still covered in molten rock, this helm provides greatly improved resistance to freezing attacks and effects.

Eternal Wings Magnus
#0157 Glacial Helmet #0158 Prominence Helm #0159 Golden Helm
Glacial Helmet
Prominence Helm
Golden Helm