Baten Kaitos Wiki
Rainbow Straw Hat
Rainbow Straw Hat
Eternal Wings Magnus
Category Battle
Contains Hat
Gathering # 0169
Element Light
Found Drop (Imperial Guard)
Chest (Goldoba)
Starting Deck (Mizuti)
Sale Price 115 G
Ages From None
Ages Into None
Usable By Xelha, Savyna, Mizuti
In SP Combo None
Spirit #
(UL) Evens (UR)
1-8 (LL) (LR)
ATK None
Effect None
Combo # None
Self Target No
DEF 78 (Light 47)
Effect Sleep Resistance +60
Combo # 1

Rainbow Straw Hat is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean.


Done in pastel with the colors of the rainbow, this hat is allegedly the work of a famous designer. The wearer is bound to lose sleep over what others might think.

Eternal Wings Magnus
#0168 Assassin's Hood #0169 Rainbow Straw Hat #0170 Battle Hood
Assassin's Hood
Rainbow Straw Hat
Battle Hood