Baten Kaitos Wiki
Baten Kaitos Wiki
Rock Salt
Rock Salt
Eternal Wings Magnus
Category Quest
Contains Food / Rock
Gathering # 1010
Element Physical
Found Examine (Azha)
Jump from the high ledge in Nashira's storehouse before Sea Bream are caught
Sale Price Can't Sell
Ages From None
Ages Into None
Disposable Yes
Story Use None
Quest Use Backache in Komo Mai
Rock Salt pot

Rock Salt pot

Rock Salt is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean and Baten Kaitos Origins.

Eternal Wings[]


High-quality rock salt, a product of the desert village of Azha. It is often used in pastries due to its subtle sweetness, with the village of Parnasse leading yearly consumption by far.

Eternal Wings Magnus
#1009 Naughty Novel #1010 Rock Salt #1011 Mirage Weed
Naughty Novel
Rock Salt
Mirage Weed

Rock Salt
Rock Salt (Origins)
Origins Magnus
Category Quest
Contains Food / Rock
Gathering # 495
Element Physical - Physical
Found Examine (Nihal Desert)
Mix (Boulder + Salt)
Sale Price Can't Sell
Ages From None
Ages Into None
Effect Boosts light offense
Blocks Pac-Man No
Quest Use Rock salt in the desert, Precious rock salt, and Pac-Man
Mix Use None
Upgrade Use None



A daily necessity for the people of Azha, it is said to be the crystallized sweat of those crossing the Nihal Desert. Boosts light offense.

Origins Magnus
#494 Mallo's Testimony #495 Rock Salt #496 Diadem Cloud
Mallo's Testimony (Origins)
Rock Salt (Origins)
Diadem Cloud (Origins)