Baten Kaitos Wiki
Savings Book
Savings Book
Eternal Wings Magnus
Category Battle
Contains Stationery / Money
Gathering # 0696
Element Physical
Found Drop (Pul-Puk)
Examine (Sheliak)
Sale Price 1000 G
Ages From None
Ages Into Savings (+Interest) (1 hour)
Usable By All
In SP Combo ?
Spirit #
(UL) 1-8 (UR)
(LL) (LR)
ATK Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens.
Effect None
Combo # 1
Self Target Yes
DEF None
Effect None
Combo # None

Savings Book is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean.


Frugal living has helped you decide to keep strict records. No shopping and hardly any eating hasn't been a picnic, but it sure feels good to have a healthy balance in the bank, doesn't it?

Eternal Wings Magnus
#0695 Debt Hell #0696 Savings Book #0697 Savings (+Interest)
Debt Hell
Savings Book
Savings (+Interest)