Tarazed's Core is a location in Baten Kaitos Origins which, as the name implies, is an area deep within the gigantic machina-ship Tarazed. The energy core that powers its self on the energy of afterlings is located here and provides that energy to the entirety of the continental ship as well as containing the command console for controling the machina armies stationed aboard.
Due to the highly important nature of the core, it is protected by some of tarazed's strongest
defenses that include some of the most dangerous Machina ever designed along with many genetic experiments that are seemingly allowed to roam freely and attack anything on sight. It is the final area traveled to in the game and is where Sagi and company engage in a final battle with the scheming Verus for control of Tarazed. After his defeat however, Wiseman reveals himself from Verus' heart and aborbs his body and the power of Tarazed's core before engaging them in a fight to the death. In the end he is defeated
as well and as a result of the catyclysmic powers unleashed, Tarazed's core can no longer sustain itself and begins to malfuntion causing Tarazed to begin falling a part in a multitude of explosions before crashing to the earth.