Baten Kaitos Wiki
Baten Kaitos Wiki
Woodfellah (Origins)
Origins Magnus
Category Quest
Contains Technology / Toy
Gathering # 605
Element Physical - Physical
Found Examine (Opu)
Talk (Lolo outside Celestial Tree Veinroots; automatic)
Sale Price Can't Sell
Ages From None
Ages Into None
Effect Helps gather dagroots in the Celestial Tree Veinroots
Blocks Pac-Man Yes
Quest Use Gadgets don't make themselves!
Mix Use None
Upgrade Use None

Woodfellah is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos Origins.


A magic wooden doll created by Lolo, Opu's favorite gadgeteer. Because it's constructed from Celestial Tree dagroots, the owner can freely control it with his wings of the heart.

Origins Magnus
#604 Local Hero Guillo #605 Woodfellah #606 Billowsmoke
Local Hero Guillo (Origins)
Woodfellah (Origins)
Billowsmoke (Origins)