Baten Kaitos Wiki
Yellow Light
Yellow Light
Eternal Wings Magnus
Category Battle
Contains Tool
Gathering # 0604
Element Chrono
Found None
Sale Price 1 G
Ages From Green Light (3 minutes)
Ages Into Red Light (18 seconds)
Usable By All
In SP Combo ?
Spirit #
(UL) 1-8 (UR)
(LL) (LR)
ATK Can be used when attacking, but nothing happens.
Effect None
Combo # 1
Self Target Yes
DEF None
Effect None
Combo # None

Yellow Light is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean.


Yellow light! When the light is yellow, you must make a split-second judgment whether to slow down...or FLOOR IT! Let's be safe.

Eternal Wings Magnus
#0603 Green Light #0604 Yellow Light #0605 Red Light
Green Light
Yellow Light
Red Light